Should the UK Remain or Leave the EU’ was the question put to voters in the 2016 EU referendum; slightly more chose Leave 51.4%. So let’s just look at that for a moment and pick out a few facts.

  1. The result was advisory and not legally binding – however, Cameron’s Government promised to enact the result. The emphasis is PROMISE. Every Party produces a pre-election manifesto that pledges to do all sorts of things. Of course they never do and revert to the people saying that other things got in the way. This was much stronger than a promise that they broke regularly, so let’s stop all this bullshit about the ‘will of the people’.
  2. Talking about the ‘will of the people’ this, it certainly never was. This was the will of the voters, about 20% of the people and, in the event and if we actually Leave a significant number of these voters will have died and an equally significant number of young people will now qualify to vote.  We really should talk about the impact on the people.  Politicians, who change their mind, and I am being generous here, are the norm.  The person who has never changed their mind has never and never will exist – so, again, this is a bullshit argument.
  3. We need to control immigration.  To believe this you really need to be incredibly stupid.  Even as a UK passport holder I have to brandish my passport to get back into the UK.  I have traveled a lot in Europe and, under Shengen we move from country to country.  If you leave France and enter Belgium you are met with – nothing – one of the kids might say, ‘are we in Belgium to which the reply would be, ‘don’t know’.  Coming into the UK, if you simply walk through chances are you will be shot – if you look in any way foreign, you most probably would be shot.  The largest number of immigrants into this country come from Africa, India, the Far East and the Middle East; or to give them a common term, NOT THE EU. 
  4. In any event, we live in an aging population where people are living longer and therefor the national pension pot is under greater strain.  We need more young people to finance and support our social services.  Now, where will we suddenly get these people from? Not from breeding, from immigration.  In fact immigrants, which is more generally all of us, but recent immigrants are Net Contributors to our society.  OK cross of immigration, that’s another bullshit story.
  5. We want to control our own money.  Our contribution into the EU is 0.7 of 1% or 70p in every £100.  Who is controlling £99.30p of every £100.  Not the EU.  But furthermore, much of the money we send to the EU comes back in the form of grants.  Most parts outside London and the South East and especially in places like Wales who have benefited from EU funding will attest to the fact that the EU are far better at allocating funding in the UK than the UK Government; who allocate funding based on voting preferences, if I am being perhaps a little cynical.
  6. We must control our own laws.  The EU does not sit in a secret darkened room churning out laws.  Proposed EU law is voted on in the EU Parliament and the UK has approved 98% of EU proposals that have passed in law.  James O’Brien of LBC, arguably the closest we come to an expert on Brexit was the most succinct in my view when he said to one phone-in caller, ‘the day after Brexit which one law will you welcome not having.  We are still waiting for an answer!
  7. We knew what we were voting for!  This is probably the thing that infuriates me most of all.  This must be one of the most arrogant and dangerous statements of all time.  The vast majority of Leave voters were employees.  I would expect that 99%+ could not take me through their own company’s annual returns.  They know absolutely NOTHING about WTO, international economics, International or European Law, Contract Law … the list is endless.  Yet they openly state, no doubt given to them by the TV or newspaper, that they believe it is the UK ‘s best interest to leave the EU.  They would almost certainly know nothing whatsoever about the EU Constitution of even UK Law.  Many would have heard about The Good Friday Agreement – perhaps that was a question in a pub quiz?  They certainly had no idea, like all the their politicians of the implications on Ireland of Brexit. 
  8. After hundreds of years in the making and the sacrifice and lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the UK establishing our reputation on the world stage the English public through sheer arrogance and stupidity and no doubt greed have trashed that reputation that will take our kids and their kids decades to repair if ever.  Thank you little England!
  9. Now here is a finally kick in the nuts  for those Brexit idiots.  England is emboldened by their way of life and standard of living.  Well, consider this; much of this is predicated on oil, gas, renewable energy, coal, fresh water, fish, whisky etc etc.  The vast majority of this belows to Scotland – another country.  England is bankrupt to the tune of about £6.2 Trillion NPV living of the assets of Scotland and thinking they are getting the empire back.  You’re not, you never had it in the first place and what there was was based on genocide and theft – oh! And we are off and we are TAKING OUR BALL BACK – BYE NOW!
  10. Finally, if you have even a hint of doubt about the sanity or otherwise of the English voters I would urge you to get on to UTube and search for James O’ Brien.  Listen to him lining up callers, and proponents such as Rees-Mogg, Farage, etc and total demolish ever single fibre of their arguments.  And here is the rub, his secret, he simply uses facts.