Scotland’s referendum – My question to the Undecided on the 79 Referendum

I would like to send a question to the Undecided, the No voters and those who may not bother to vote on 18 September at Scotland’s referendum.

I am not appealing on behalf of some political doctrine or on behalf of any specific political party.  I am appealing to people’s sense of fair play.

Before you decide to vote or not bother and if you agree that this was manipulated then ask yourself why this happened to all of us Scots.

Thought I’d have a bit of fun with number for a Saturday evening.  These facts are based on a Freedom of Information Request from: Kenneth MacFadyen, 19 June 2011 read the facts for yourself:

FACT 1:  The Scottish Referendum in 1979 returned a majority YES vote – this failed because the actual number of YES votes was less than 40%

FACT 2:  The table below shows the actual votes cast for each party and their share of the electorate.  Note, Conservatives won and formed a Government with 23% of the electorate – or just over HALF of the votes returned for YES in 1979 (They formed a coalition with LDem but still only managed 38% of the electorate, together!)

FACT 3:  Westminster operates DOUBLE STANDARDS when it comes to the interests and aspirations of the Scottish people


Percentage table


As if these figures weren’t bad enough, consider this.  There are many people in the UK who do not vote for a whole range of reasons.  For example, the may not be eligible.  They may not be old enough.  Despite the reason, every living person in the UK has one thing in common, they all share the same rights under the UN Human Right Act, they are all citizens.  The population currently stands at 63,433,296 people in the UK being governed by the 2010 Government.  Using population rather than electorate skews the figures further into the ridiculous zone.  The percentages are now 17% Conservative, 14% Labour and 11% LDem.  The coalition Government have been running the UK with 28% share of the population, or just over 1 person in 4.