British Democracy for sale – The threat to the Jew people


Before I explain my process perspective on democracy in the UK I want to alert people to the biggest threat to democracy, not just in the UK but in the entire Western World and perhaps even further. 

I have many Jewish friends and I have read books by eminent Jewish historians such as Professors Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and Max Blumenthal and I have listened to Geoffrey Alderman. I have moved from concern, to worry and fear that there is a growing rhetoric that is demonising Jewish people.  We all know what happened in the past and history must not be repeated.  Noam Chomsky said ‘antisemitism used to be people who did not like Jews, now it is people the Jews don’t like‘.  I would like to make a small change to his poignant observation and in a sense this is what my blog is all about.  ‘antisemitism used to be people who did not like Jews, now it is people the Zionists don’t like‘.  

My fear now is this: 

The Jewish people are being used as a human shield for the Zionist agenda

whose weapon of choice is British Democracy

Zionism and White Supremacy has a grip on our societies that would have been the envy of Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun or even Adolf Hitler. Put another way, as I will explain, we would need to increase our representation 200 fold or 20000% just to draw level with the representation or lobbying power of Zionism in the UK.

First, I want to explain my perspective on democracy.  My readers will be familiar with my belief that UK democracy is a perverse version of democracy.  Voting, as in over 30 countries, should be mandatory with penalties for non-compliance.  There must also be an option for no confidence in any of the candidates presented.  The ‘No confidence’ vote should compete with the candidates and if it wins then the election must be re-run until a candidate is found who commands the confidence of the voter. 

I don’t expect everyone to agree with me.  However, I feel as a societal value anybody who is able to vote and does not bother should be penalised or incentivised.  They may have the excuse they don’t like any of the candidates – so there is your no confidence vote.  A very valid vote by any standard.  Of course No Confidence is a countable vote that competes with and can over ride the candidates on offer forcing them back to the table.

Of course this is my perspective on democracy in the ideal.  What we have is far, very far from ideal.  Clearly, there are many methods and indeed examples of overt and very concealed methods of vote tampering and vote rigging.  We are aware this is an issue and hopefully this awareness may help to keep this under some kind of control; although I am not confident.  As an example, if we have 30 million voters and 32 million votes cast – we know we have a problem.

However, there is a very serious threat to our democracy and I want to develop this from the ground up.  So here goes:

I am not a supporter of Labour or Jeremy Corbyn.  However, I do believe, perhaps by politician standards that he is an honest, clever, dedicated and well meaning guy.  He has come under immense pressure in a most hateful manner with false accusations or rather smears of anti-semitism.  This has stemmed mainly from other politicians, especially in his own party and across the benches.  I do not believe that he can afford to refute these claims as this would be turned against him and exacerbate the situation.  He has been forced to ride the blows as it were and hope he comes out the other end.  To make matters worse it is clear that the Mainstream Media in all forms have done a ‘pile on’ to this campaign and for my money, Nick Ferrari on LBC is the worst offender in my books.

I watched a clip of James O’Brien on LBC summarising the performance of Boris Johnson and is it any wonder he is so desperate to deflect attention on Jeremy Corbyn with false antisemitism smears – [This is priceless-5 minutes on Boris]  

I have pointed out on many occasions that anti-semitism is not a crime.  It is a view or an opinion.  That said, in Law, if a crime is committed predicated on an antisemitic view then that is a Hate Crime and carries an elevated punishment.  Of course the same applies to Islamophobia, homophobia, misogyny and so on.  You may be forgiven for not be aware of this because of the sheer magnitude of this smear campaign but there you are.  Oddly enough, the person who is more aware of this than anyone else is Keir Starmer who signed off on the definition of Hate Crime as Director General of the UK Crown Prosecution Service.

Very many learned and highly respected Jewish people, too many to list have openly stated and confirmed that this is a smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn and in fact there is not an anti-semitic bone in his body.  So, I am just going to leave that there for now.

Before I get into this I want to introduce you to a highly acclaimed author and journalist with the New York Times.  He is Jewish and his name is Max Blumenthal.  I have been reading one of his books, Goliath.  This is not fiction it is hard fact.  There are 3 short introductory chapters.  Chapter 4 is just 4 pages.  I want to share this with you – but be warned, if you get a copy from Amazon you will need a very strong stomach and heart of stone if you wish to continue.  Here is Goliath chapter 4:




I am confident you will have found that read as harrowing as I did.  As you progress through scores of chapters it gets worse and worse.  Who would behave like this?  Max Blumenthal has been there.  He has sat on Parash Hill with other journalists and interviewed Israeli citizens.  These were their words he recounts.  This is the Israel with whom we have a special relationship, to whom we supply weaponry.  But, you may ask, when did this happen?  how about, now, it is still going on.  But how can they get away with this genocide, these atrocities?  OK, you are now ready to read and and draw your own conclusions as to how you can get away with this, with apparent impunity ….

If you have overwhelming influence over all forms of the media, including On-Line [hasbara project] and a massive network of lobbyists and politicians with sworn loyalty, then you are well on your way.  Chuck in a bit of subversion to people in line Epstein/Maxwell who clearly have operated  political compromise on an industrial scale trapping key influencers, perhaps even as far as the Royal family in honey-traps, pedophilia, sex slaves and prostitution – all accidentally caught on camera?

I hope I have set a scene where there are clearly two camps.  The Corbyn camp holding firm and appearing not to fight back and the anti-semitic accusers camp with their escalating bitter and relentless campaign.

I want now to examine a different perspective.  First I will voice the Labour Party slogan, ‘for the many, not the few’.  It is very hard to argue against this concept in a fair and reasonable society.  OK perhaps Mr Rees-Mogg might not agree but he is busy elsewhere re-writing the Fire Safety Manual bedecked in his Superman tee-shirt.

Rees-Mogg, as a multi-millionaire would certainly by one of the few.  I suppose that is a bit obvious.  But let’s think about ‘the few’ as a group.  1 in 10 in maths is often called insignificant.  1 in 100 seems like quite a small group.  How about 1 in 200.  That sounds like a very small group.  But what group would fit that description?  Millionaires? perhaps.  What about high academics? perhaps.  What about professional footballers? possibly not.  Ah, what about professionals; doctors, lawyers, architects, chartered accountants etc? yes, perhaps.

In fact, lets think about some of the significant groups where there are reliable statistics.  The last census determined there are 13% non-white citizens in the UK  cc 1 in 7.  Of that, there are 5% South Asian 1 in 20 and 3% Black citizen in the UK, 1 in 33.  There is another minority group, the Jewish community in the UK who form 0.5% of the population or 1 in 200.  Clearly, this minority group like all minority groups in society they must be able to enjoy all the benefits, rights, privileges and freedoms of the larger groups without fear or favour.  I would expect nothing less in a modern civilised society.  As with many other minority groups I would expect them to be properly represented, to have a voice and a right to be heard in the event of any failures in their societal rights.  So, please hold that thought…

I want to think about some of the stereo typical larger groups in Society.  One of the most fundamental example is the Labour Party.  Historically, the party of the working class.  They are aligned to the Trade Unions, or what is left of them.  The Labour Party offer their manifesto to the public laying out a vast range of measures they plan to take to maintain and improve the health and wealth and living environment of the people.  Their manifesto is in the public domain for all to see.  Their performance against the manifesto if they are the party in Government comes under daily or even hourly scrutiny in Parliament and the Media at large.  On an ongoing basis in ever constituency and even in local Government politicians of all stripes and in all categories whether MP, MEP, MSP, Assembly Member or even Councillors have to face the public they represent on a daily basis.  At the next General Election or local election they will be measured on their performance whether real or perceived and their future continuance decide.  The same goes for every political party or independent etc. 

This all seems very open and straightforward.  You say what you are about, what you will do and you are measured and judged on your performance.  What could be fairer?

Let’s consider another minority group, I am thinking about the legal profession.  1 in 200? perhaps.  How are they represented?  There is the Law Society LS, the Solicitors Regulatory Associated SRA, the Legal Ombudsman LO and don’t forget the Law of the land.  The LS presides over the execution of the law.  The SRA presides over the behaviour against agreed standards of practice and the LO presides over disputes.  Over and above this we have the Law of the land and the Judiciary.  This all seems pretty tight, in so far as their are many competence and behavioural layers of oversight.  Basically the public and their clients know what they are about, know what to expect and there are recognised procedures to deal with problems that arise.  I will leave you with that thought for now.

So far I have developed a few themes and parked them because I would like to bring them together to form a more complete picture.  I have parked the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn and the proportional representation of the Jewish or rather Zionist community in the UK and I would  like to bring that back now, into focus …

For now, I would like to return to some of the minority groups.  Black and Asian citizen live in our community.  Despite some earlier difficulties they may in part have been attributed to acceptance by the majority population these minority groups have integrated well as UK citizen. 

I don’t have a definitive answer to the question of why they are in the UK.  Many we know were invited after WW2, many were fleeing danger and many were looking for a better life.  If you asked people from these groups what they expect in this society I think I know the answer.  They want to work, have families, have a reasonable standard of living, integrate into the community and be treat as equal citizens.  They would expect to be safe, law abiding citizens and enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities to improve themselves as everybody else. 

If you spoke to someone from India, Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria of Jamaica and asked them about their country of origin I am fairly sure they would tell you that was where they originated but now they are UK Citizen.  Would they be looking to individually or collectively promote their country of origin?  I think probably not.  They have enough on their plate in the UK to be getting on with.  Their country of origin can look after itself.  Finally, how are these groups represented in the UK.  There are Black and Asian politicians in Local and National Government.  They are simple ordinary citizens, doing their job who happened to be from another ethnic background.  They are not in positions to promote their ethnic group.  There will be some examples where they may be addressing specific problems in a community.  Where that is the cause they are simply endeavouring to normalise a situation and bring harmony to the community.

At this stage you may feel I am guilty of stating the bloody obvious.  However, that is why I left a few place markers, left a few thoughts to return to.

I want to think about the 1 in 200, the Jewish community.  As a minority group I would reasonable expect the exact same rationale to apply as above.  I deliberately did not include them with the other minority groups from India, Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria and Jamaica etc.  And I want to consider why that may be. 

When minority groups are equally well represented I would reasonable expect those groups to live in harmony with society as a whole.  Proper representation is very important for every community especially those struggling to catch up with society as a whole.  There would be an issue from the general public if a Group was significantly over represented.  Some issues have arisen from positive discrimination.  Even as a short term fix it flies in the face of a meritorious society and too often backfires.

I want to ask a couple of questions.  What is the purpose of the Jewish community and how well are they represented.

First of all, what is their purpose.  Now here I must make a couple of distinctions.  Am I talking about Jewish people or Zionists? 

From my experience, Jewish people behave in exactly the same manner as other ethnic groups.  They have faced very similar problems of acceptance and integration.  Their aspirations on family, lifestyle, safety and opportunity will most likely be exactly the same as the other groups and society as a whole.  Clearly there is no problem here.  It is not clear what the distinction is between Jewish people and Zionist.  I think I have correctly identified Jewish people in society above.  However, when it comes to Zionists the waters becomes very cloudy indeed.

For a start, and from my readings of many Jewish scholars and historians like Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Max Blumenthal etc it is clear that Jewish people are not necessarily Zionists and Zionists are not only Jewish people.

This failure to distinguish would be meaningless if Zionists behaved as other minority groups in society, and I want to look at that.

I include here a link to a definition on [ Zionism ]. If you follow the link and link forward to various topics such as Cultural Zionism and Political Zionism you will quickly realise this is a massive subject to understand and we are probably only scratching the surface.  However, for me there is one salient question.

In our country, in the UK does a Zionist pledge allegiance commensurate with UK citizens or is their allegiance actually the greater ambitions of Zionism and The State of Israel; with all that entails?

I am sure there will be many further questions once you have read further into Zionism.  However, I simply want to deal with the implications and behaviour associated with the question above.

First of all I would like to pick a scab or two.  This may seem unrelated; I say seem.  An old Scot who worked with me many years ago commented ‘there’s them that work at their job and them that work at their career’.  On the face of it this may seem harmless – but it is anything but.  I have always believed in a meritocracy.  You do a good job, develop a positive attitude, progress yourself both practically and intellectually.  When opportunities for advancement appear, if this is what you want you present yourself, there may be some competition and the best person for the job succeeds.  If that is not you then you try again and again until you do succeed or concede gracefully having tried.

On the other hand there are those who do what they can get away with.  They seek out and research the routes to progress.  The read books like ‘how to manage your boss’.  They find out where management ‘hangs out’ and get yourself there and notice.  The golf club is often a good starting point.  Find out about the management structure, the movers and shakers.  What are their likes and dislikes.  Learn about their families.  Make sure you can always dose out a heep of sycophancy.  Grab colleagues ideas, suggestions and even work and present it as yours.  Never miss an opportunity to criticise colleagues behind their back.  Send phony ‘toe the line’ emails to colleagues and BCC it to the boss.  The list is endless.  These types join the Trade Union, sports clubs, shadow their superiors, research their ‘hot buttons’ and before you know it they join the Masonic Lodge.

Every works, every office have these ruthless ‘suck ups’ are in today’s vernacular, the ‘stalker’ or ‘stalking horse’.  They are often useless at their job, they can undermine other’s work, steal credit wherever they go and generally demoralise everyone around them.  Sadly, the manager who gets the ‘treatment’ is often the last to know.  This guy is on the road up and if he leaves footprints on some heads then what the hell.

The principles of democracy include transparency, fairness, equal and appropriate representation and respect for procedures to guarantee a good outcome.  It is for this reason that the Electoral Commission enforce rigid spending caps on parties.  If they did not do this then politics would degenerate into survival of the deepest pockets.

I will make a bold statement – I want to call it THE RULE: 

In a fair society every person must be equally represented.

I now want you to reflect on a couple of points I developed earlier.  Firstly, I referenced the attacks or rather smears on Jeremy Corbyn, comprehensively refuted by senior figures in the Jewish community.  I then presented statistics on the proportion of Jewish people in the UK population.  That figure was cc 1:200.  However, if we are talking about Zionists that figure becomes cc 1 in 250.

Earlier, I presented a few minority groups in society. Can I say that a person of Black or Asian origins enjoys the Rule.  It is getting better, but sorry, the answer is an emphatic NO.  Let’s try an really large group in society; woman.  Talk to any WASPI woman or any woman.  The answer is a great big NO.  In fact, a stay at home mum will probably tell you that her representation is zero.  If she has a decent partner that make improve at the behest of the partner, but only and until ..

We can see in society there are many initiates such as positive discrimination, gender shortlists etc in an attempt to right this failure.  What they are attempting to do is to APPLY THE RULE – plain and simple.  It is working but success is a long way off.

Oh my God.  There seems no hope for minority groups.  You think not? You really think not?

In the UK the population of Jewish people is about 1 in 200.  In Scotland that ratio is about 1 in 600.  You would hope, you would expect their representation to be commensurate with their volume for all things to be equal.  Well, you may be surprised?

Most of us have a basic understanding of our political structures.  The most basic is Parliament.  650 Members of Parliament represent the population of the United kingdom.  At present there are several main parties including the Conservative and Unionist Party, the Labour Party, The Scottish National Party only in Scotland, The Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, Plaid Cymru, the Ulster Unionists, Sinn Fein, Brexit and the Change Party.  This may soon change radically but for now these are the main recognised Parties and there are a number of Independents. 

Within the Labour Party there are about 115 sitting MP as members of Labour Friends of Israel.  There are a further 36 former yet influential Labour members as ‘Friends’.  Peter Oborne researched this subject [ Cowardise in our relationship with Israel-Peter Oborne ]  and stated in the Telegraph that 80% of more Tory MPs were Conservative Friends of Israel.  Listed within the LibDem Party is a further 6 LibDem Friends of Israel.  Looking at the Friends Mission it is clear their are Parliamentary Friends of Israel.  In fact, almost 400 of the 650 MPs are Friends of Israel.  This is almost two thirds of MPs in Parliament ‘Friends’ of 1 in 200 of the population of the UK.  So, how are we doing with the RULE?

Of course it is important to understand the motivation for Friends of Israel.  What went on between Tony Blair and Levy the ex Music tycoon who brought him to Tel Aviv and who ‘supported’ his leadership challenge to the tune of, I believe according to Alistair Campbell, £9 million making a nice round £16 million.  Have a read of their Web page [Labour Friends of Israel ] it appears this is an initiative to promote and boost trade or strengthen links – but what links?  Are they that useless at trade.  Over the past 10 years the UK has topped out at £0.6 billion surplus in 7 of these years.  Have we been flogging them Yorkshire puddings – well it certainly wasn’t weapons – was it?  Fact: Israeli trade with the UK represents 0.63 of 1 % of GDP.  So what exactly is the motivation, the cross party deep dive motivation? 

Of course it does not stop there.  It is important to have internal representation, pull you communities together.  With 1 in 200 of the UK population there may be quite a few such special interest group.  I expect they might lobby their local Councillors or MPs.  Perhaps the odd letter to the editor of a paper.  Perhaps even have your own community magazine;  that would all be very reasonable.  

So let’s have a closure look at the magnitude of the representation of the UK’s Jewish community.  As we go through this I hope like myself that you feel a dichotomy or a contradiction in the term Jewish Community.  The more you read, listen and learn you realise there are Jewish people and Zionists.  Please hold that distinction and apply your thinking going forward.

Let me open with an article in the Telegraph 2012 by that very distinguished writer and Journalist, Peter Oborne.  In a sense this suggests there is ‘Something wrong in the State of Denmark’ to coin a phrase? Again I include a link to his article: [The cowardice at the heart of our relationship with Israel]

Peter Oborne states that almost 80% of Conservative MPs and almost all Conservative Minister are registered Friends of Israel CFI.  The LibDems boast 6 Friends of Israel LDFI and Labour in Parliament and the Lords has 118 Friends of Israel LFI with a further 35 associate or past Parliamentarians such as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.  You can follow the link to see actual members names [Friends of Israel].

So, putting all this together Friends of Israel across our Parliament and Lords has around 60% representation.  These are not just names or signatories, these are active lobbyists across our political Parties, most prominently across the HM Government and HM Official Opposition.  It would be a fair question to enquire whether these parties are polar opposites in matters concerning the UK and shoulder to shoulder on matters concerning Israel.

Of course the UK includes Northern Ireland and Europe and our closest ally we are told is America.  The first two are also aligned with Friends of Israel Groups.  However, America is a bit of an anomaly.  The Israeli lobby in America with [AIPAC] is vastly more influencial than any other Friends of Israel Group and operates across both Republicans and Democrats.  Then there is [ADL] basically a vast lobby group dedicated to counter any criticism of Israel.

Getting away from direct politics or Parliamentarians we have in the UK the most powerful lobby group in Europe, The Board of Deputies or to give it it’s full title the Board of Deputies of British Jews.  I understand they host very extensive visits to Israel for the Friend Groups.  

Board of Deputies is a strange name for such a lobbying organisation.  There are no cowboys or sheriffs to be seen.  Of more concern is the literal meaning of ‘deputy’ that recognises that a deputy is subordinate to a superior.  The obvious question is, who is that superior, where are they based and what exactly is their mission.

Quite simply, the Board of Deputies (of British Jew) are the largest and most organised political lobby group in Europe.  Founded in 1760 the Board of Deputies unified to become the single most powerful Jewish (rather Zionist) lobby group in the world and remain so to this day.  Their remit is basically all things Zionism.  Please follow the link and then link on and link on and you will be astounded at the sheer magnitude of their web of influence, their associations and affiliations and their political impact and connections.  I would liken this to someone who got their first computer and then were introduced to the World Wide Web and the Internet.  Judge for yourself and prepare to by astounded, but not in a good way if you are not Jewish or rather Zionist.  Here they are: [Board of Deputies] .  Having read this and digested the impact, I expect you will not be surprised to learn that almost 60% of Parliament are Friends of Israel.  Given that 1 person in 200 in Britain is Jewish and possibly 75% of them are Zionists, that around 1 in 250 are represented by the Board of Deputies and its reach.

As a British subject who votes for your local MP and writes to them or tries to get a ‘face to face’ at one of their surgeries.  Ask yourself, how well do you fell represented in Britain in comparison to Zionists.  I understand that Jeremy Corbyn is concerned about foreign influence within the Government of the UK.  As a supporter of the original Balfour Agreement ‘Two State Solution’ and concern about British sales of weaponry to apartheid Israel and the 65 UN Sanctions they have ignored is it any wonder that they are throwing so much bile and hatred in his direction.  Personally I fear for his safety, especially after he wins the 2019 General Election.  I just hope he is watching a PopeMobile on eBay.

In Scotland we do not have a serious issue with racism.  What racism there is, is mainly street bound.  The most affected is the Pakistani community followed by the Afro-Caribbean communities.  According to official police statistics I can find no record of racism or Hate Crime targeted at the Jewish community.  Nevertheless, despite a population density in Scotland of 1 in 600 the Jewish communities representation is aligned directly to the UK Board of Deputies and represented at all level by The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities SCOJEC.  This is turn is aligned to the COFIS the Confederation of Friends of Israel in Scotland.  Here is their headline, and follow the link [COFIS] They have the audacity to state they are pro-Palestinian.  Their snipers are murdering Palestinian toddlers regularly if not daily  with shots to the back of their heads with dum dum bullets and other such as girls, elderly, disabled, medics and media.  The land know as Palestine is almost non existent having been bonbed and bulldozed even with the elderly occupants still inside.  These people hold placards claiming anti Zionism is antisemitic is a crime. A anti Zionism is not antisemtic and antisemitic, according to the UK Crown Prosecution Service is certainly not a crime – their behaviour is a crime against humanity and a violation of 65 UN Treaties, albeit the US has vetoes 32 of them.  Here is/was their headline – they seem to change it on a regular basis:

‘What kind of people become involved with COFIS? We are ordinary people who want to see peace in the Middle East. We want to inform people about the great benefits in technology and medicine that Israel brings to the world, and about the work that Israel does to protect human rights and preserve peace in an unstable region where Israel is the only democracy’.

Given that Israel is an apartheid state, where genocide is never off the table and men, women, children, babies,the elderly, the disabled, medics and media are a constant target of the IDF snipers with their dum-dum bullets.  Given there is a constant land grab on Palestinian homes bulldozed even with the occupiers still inside, this comment above is as shocking as it is preposterous.

My final point to pour scorn on the ambivalence of their objectives.  On one hand you will have read that a key mission trickling down, in a torrent, from the Board of Deputies is to target any form of anti-Israel comments or criticism or any form of negative comment against Israel. I could summaries some of the examples but I would urge you to read in detail, for yourself, the sheer extent of the Israeli lobby in the UK and beyond and draw your own conclusions [Please follow this link to the Israel lobby].

If you have linked forward from any of these pages to the Labour Friends of Israel you will see a different agenda.  Originally, the stated aim was to support and improve bilateral trade.  This has been amended to broaden their remit to talk about bilateral relations.  But what can that mean?  is this some sort of defense alliance?  Surely that could be best achieved through NATO – except that Israel is not a member of NATO.  Perhaps it is about trade.  We must be very careful here because as a member of the EU we can be off doing trade deals without the EU blessing.  Israel of course is not an EU member nor and Accession State for EU Expansion.  Of course that would require a set of terms and a Treaty and approval – somehow, I cannot see Israel going down that route successfully.  Of course the UK can trade with other nations on a WTO basis and of course the UK trades with Israel.  With the sheer magnitude of our links with Israel trade must be massive.  In fact our trade with Israel extends to £3 – £4 Billion.  Put another way, in the UK their are at least 10 individuals whose NET worth is greater than the UK Trade with Israel.  Furthermore the Trade surplus is around £0.5 Billion.  In the past 10 years that surplus has been in the UK’s favour for 7 of these 10 years.

Now you may be asking yourself if this enormous web of Israeli influence in the UK is essential to promote and grow trade.  If that is the case then we can say without fear of contradiction that neither party are doing much of a job!


My final point is this.  I think it is very important to forge special relationships with other countries especially when this is predicated on a real example of loyalty and cooperation, and better if this was a mutual affair.  During WW2 our Eastern allies lost tens of millions of people in their fight against Germany.  They were our allies and without the Eastern Front there can be no doubt we would have been annihilated very early on.  There you go, a great example of friendship and loyalty – definitely grounds for a Friends of ‘the East’ relationship.  They actually set this up and almost immediately scrapped it.  If anything, we are generally hostile to the East and Russia yet we have never indulged in conflict against them.  We surely must have other Friends of ?  No, perhaps Facebook – I jest. 

The only other country with whom we have a specially relationship is America – they are our ‘Special Relationship, our Special Friend’.  So let’s consider that ‘Special Relationship’.  During the second World War then came in half way through.  For the first half they were doing what America does and supplied arms to whoever can pay.  They came in only after Pearl Harbour when half their naval fleet was wiped out; and that’s another less than straightforward story.

There can be no doubt that America assisted the UK, especially with weaponry.  Of course, so did Canada, Australia, India, Burma and many others.  Thanks to the unprecedented efforts of the Russians who really tore the heart out of the German effort, the West finally triumphed.

After the war, America very kindly sent us … an invoice, our war debt!  I believe we began paying that debt around 1951 and made the final payment in 2006.  With a degree of time related calculations I have estimated the final equivalent repayment to by around £12.2 Trillion.   This may seem like a vast sum, 12 billion billion but just think about this.  How much do you pay back in real terms on a 20 or 25 year mortgage.  Think about how it increases exponentially.  Consider what you could have done with that money had you not had to pay it back.  Think about the fact that standard NPV calculation use a rate of about 11%.  Put that all together and consider this over 55 years with a number of years of nil payments and the impact of not making payments in the early years.  Suddenly it all makes sense.  A friend of mind once said he likes to have a lot of debt because his bank manager is always pleased to see him in the bank – you could say they have a certain kind of:


My very final point, and this might be history repeating itself.  Having read some of the works of Professors Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky and Max Blumental it looks very like the Zionists are using the Jewish people as a human shield to cover their genocide, apartheid and theft of people’s land especially in Palestine.  They are putting the safety and the lives of peaceful Jewish people in serious jeopardy in a world where most people cannot distinguish between Jewish and Zionist.  In fact that one banner held by a COFIS supporter confirms this when they say ‘anti Zionism is anti Semitism.  

Is it any wonder people cannot make that distinction?

I would like to end on a positive note.  The Zionist weapon of choice is our democracy.  Flawed though it may be, it is OUR DEMOCRACY it is NOT FOR SALE and it is essential, for our sake and for the sake of the peaceful Jewish communities that we TAKE BACK THAT PRECIOUS DEMOCRACY NOW and hold on to it with both hands …. thank you for staying with me.