Waken up Scotland

If we go back in time to around 1832.  Up to that point women were prohibited from voting.  1872 marked the start of the national women’s suffrage movement.  However, it was not until 1928 that women finally were given the vote.

Votes for women


Could you imagine Mori conducting a poll of women, 2 months before they got the vote, asking if they wanted the vote.  Women had been oppressed since – forever.  Do you think the YES vote would have been around 45%?



Let’s look at apartheid.  Apartheid, which means apartness in Afrikaans, started in 1948 in South Africa as a political movement of the National Party. The goal was to separate the races.  In February 1990 President FW de Klerk announced Nelson Mandela’s release and began the slow dismantling of the Apartheid system. In 1992 a whites-only referendum approved the reform process. On 27 April 1994 the first democratic elections were held in South Africa, with people of all races being able to vote.

Could you imagine 2 months before the final dismantling of apartheid if Mori asked black men and women whether they wished to see an end to apartheid.  Do you think the YES vote would have been around 45%?


Independence in a tick

After 300 years of living in subjugation Scotland has a referendum to decide whether Scotland should be an independent country and determine its own future; bringing an end to subjugation.  Do you think the YES vote would have been around 45%?

The ability of a people to determine their future requires CONFIDENCE AND SELF RESPECT.  The women of the UK had it in 1928.  The black men and women of Africa had it in 1994.  The people of Scotland in 2014 …. WAKEN UP SCOTLAND!  

As I write, a large number of people in Scotland are sleep walking into another 300 years of subjugation for their children, their children’s children and on, and on.  They are doing this because they are finding it easier to believe a pack of lies and deception by their subjugators, rather than to inform themselves of the facts and the truth; made easy by the Internet at the touch of a button.


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