Keep it simple – we’re being distracted

Politics is the art of confusion!

The referendum question is simple, ‘Should Scotland by an independent country?’ and the answer is YES or NO.  That’s all it is, nothing more.

The Scottish Government produced a White Paper; the result of 4 years consultation with the Scottish people.  This document and the subsequent Executive Summary were designed to offer the people of Scotland a vision of what Scotland could become if it was an independent country.

Since then the Westminster Government, the Better Together campaign, a coalition of political enemies in the form of Conservatives, Labour and LibDems have weighed in and turned this into the most confusing, divisive and complex question ever.  They have gone through the White Paper line by line looking for flaws, looking for ways to discredit it, trying to pour scorn on it.  They are not ridiculing the author, they are ridiculing the people of Scotland.

They have said one of the most stupid things I have ever heard, ‘how can you be certain, we need certainty?’  This is a VISION.  You don’t look for certainty in a vision.  Please don’t be fooled by that.

Ask one of your children, grand-children, nieces or nephews ‘what would you like to be when you grow up?’  ‘Granddad, I’d like to be a doctor’.  OK, now say to them ….. ‘but how can you be certain?’  Look at the expression on their face – they are realising that you are half daft!

The campaign against Independence, the NO Campaign call themselves PROJECT FEAR.  It is not so much about the FEAR they would instill in the YES campaign; but more about the manner their FEAR manifests itself.  If this was Russia, North Korea, Cambodia, Syria or one of the South American Juntas we would not be surprised – but this is Westminster.

They are in effect, demonstrating how Britain founded its Empire, maintained that Empire – and on the 18 September 2014 they will see why they lost that Empire.

A young girl came into our headquarters in Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh.  She had a brain the size of a planet.  When I asked her why she was voting YES she said, ‘because I think Scotland should be an independent country’.  There was a pause, then she said, ‘ I know nothing about politics, economics, world trade, nuclear weapons or currency.  Scotland is full of people who do – but that’s not me.  They will fix it for the best for Scotland.  I was only asked ONE question and I am only giving ONE answer – I AM ANSWERING THE QUESTION.  The rest is detail for another time and for other people.

Now that is real intelligence, and I bow to her wisdom.  

Political parties come and political parties go.  Manifestos are crafted and discarded and fantastic excuses are given for their failures.  Was there ever anything as fluid as politics. Everything else in life has a reasonable duration, sometimes many years before it is reviewed and changed.  Politics changes if the day ends in a ‘Y’.

So why then do we allow politicians to distract us, to take the decision from us, to give us their spin and prejudice in the hope they will get us to vote the way they want us to vote?  are we totally mad?

Don’t be distracted.  Don’t be misled.  Don’t be fooled.  This is a simple question that demands a simple answer.  It’s about what you believe, not what you know or what you don’t know.  This is the confusion and distraction that we are being subjected to.

In answering the question, we owe it to ourselves to answer the question and only the question based on what we believe.


I hope by now you have left my blog with a simpler perspective.  But if you are still with me let me indulge you with an example.  Question:  Would you like to win £10 million on the lottery?

Would I really need that much?  hmmm.

Where would I keep it?

What could I buy with it?

How much would I give away?

Crikey, perhaps I would be a target for con-men and robbers.  I am now beginning to get a bit scared?

I know, I’ll give some of it to charity, perhaps all of it – but I do want my original pound back!

I could move to a new house in a new area or maybe abroad.

What about my friends?  Are they really my friends or are they just after my money?

Crikey, I’ve just realised, when I go who will I leave it all to?  I’ve not seen those relatives for years.

I really wish you had not asked me that question.



Because you dived down into the depth of unimaginable details you have gotten yourself into a panic and confusion and you’ve probably forgotten the question.  Sorry, I did that deliberately …. just to distract you, to confuse you!

Answer the question and keep it simple.

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