CELEBRITY-are you ordinary enough

Today’s topic may be rubbing a sore with sandpaper.  It may feel like someone just pee’d on your cornflakes, but it needs to be said ‘CELEBRITY-are you ordinary enough ?’

Today’s topic is CELEBRITY, a complete HOAX but worse than that, a dangerous HOAX and at the root of much that is going wrong in our society, our country, our world.

WARNING: I may revert to some bad language, so please be warned.

So, have you ever watched a TV programme such as Celebrity Love Island and thought, ‘who the fuck is that?’ Have you missed something?  This is nobody, never heard of this person and now they are a celebrity.  What is going on? well, actually, something is going on – something very big is going on.  Not under our nose.  This is in our face, under our skin and yes, probably in our cornflakes.

Let me define celebrity:  From the dictionary, ‘A celebrity is a person who is well known and gets lots of public attention, or attention from other people. … Usually a person becomes a celebrity from entertainment such as people who are in movies, people who sing songs, and someone who plays a sport’.

Let me clarify: the root of the word is celebrate.  A celebrity is someone whose life people in general may celebrate-sadly, too often after they have died.  Nelson Mandela was certainly a celebrity.  A man imprisoned for 27 years for his beliefs, who held no grudge against his captors and who freed the African people from apartheid in Africa and beyond.  A celebrity, we salute you Nelson.

A finalist in Britain’s got Talent, or X Factor – still a teenager perhaps, a celebrity? Not on your fuckin’ life.  What’s to celebrate?  Their life? their nappy rash is still clearing up.

So, is this just a bit of fun.  Am I taking this too seriously.  Am I envious, jealous or feeling excluded? I expect I am being a bit of a killjoy, some of these kids can really sing, can’t they?  Actually, we call all sing.  Given a bit of coaching we can all sing.  Given a 64 track mixer and a clever sound engineer we can punch out a great song.  Try singing alone, can’t manage? is that because you can’t sing like them.  Nothing of the sort.  The sound engineer will tell you to sing ‘ah bitty bitty ah bitty ah bitty  boo’. Then stop.  Then you sing ‘woo woo yeah, woo woo yeah’.  Then we sing ‘love you babe, love you babe’ and so on.  Then the backing singers and the musicians all do their wee rifts, and chords … and we’re done.  The sound engineer mashes that all up and shazzam, you have a number 1.  Actually, this is the first time you’ve heard it, you recognise nothing and you certainly couldn’t sing it, nobody could.  It is not a song, it is a by product from the sound engineer and all his gizmos.  Don’t worry about your slot on TV.  It is all recorded and you just sing or hum along and look as if you are enjoying yourself.  Actually, you are.  And when you fuck up, don’t worry, it’s never reaching the speakers, the recording is doing all that audio correction.  Keep looking like you are enjoying yourself.  Think about Celebs on a Beach, your next stop!

Harmless fun.  You are up there with Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy and, Christ, you’ve still got acne.

Don’t worry about the acne.  You are going under the knife to get your new face, new body and when they have finished with you, little Frankenstein, the wardrobe lady has all you new kit ready for you, YOU ARE A STAR AFTER ALL!!

Does anyone remember Beyonce falling off the stage, note perfect all the way down, not a note out of place.  If there was any bruises I am sure they could be sent off the bits to the surgery for repair.

If this was all there was you could dismiss me as a total twat, a killjoy whatever.  I would come back at you and simply say ‘BORIS JOHNSON’ now do I have your attention.  I will carry on.

We are awash with celebs and their wall to wall programmes.  Celebs bake a cake, celebs have a sneaky shag, celebs write a poem, celebs hold a wean, celebs have a poo – is their no limit to the talents of these celebs??


A bold statement.  Celebrity Culture is here for a specific reason, but it is out of control.

Since the beginning of time every area, State, region, country has had rulers and ruled in various forms.  Behind the scenes there are always those unseen people who wield power and influence in the shadows, Cromwell, Rasputin and the likes.  These are generally referred to as the ruling classes or the ELITES. Periodically, this goes horribly wrong and the Rulers, the ruling classes and the Elites have been turned on and killed off or driven out.  The French Peasants revolt, Cambodia with Pol Pot and Germany are extreme examples but there are many, very many.

I want to focus on one specific group, the Elite.  They are a blatant example because they stand out, they always stand out.  I believe many of them want to stand out or thrive on being ostentatious.  They have mansions, servants, yachts, limousines, supercars, bedecked with jewelry and seen at the fanciest of places.  For them there is no hiding.  But, when the pitchforks come out, they are often the low hanging fruit, the early casualties the soft targets.  Politicians and Royalty have the police, the military and an army of secret agents to protect them but  the Elites have little of these benefits.  In a sense they sit between a rock and a hard place.

So how do the protect themselves?  Ah! so now my theory or explanation.

The Chameleon is an incredible creature.  Faced with predators such as snakes or birds of prey it is able to adapt to its surroundings.  It disguises itself.  It puts on a facade, it looks like its surroundings, it goes unnoticed.  Importantly, it does not take on the appearance of something nice and juicy – oh no – it merges with the background, the world of insignificance.

So here’s the thing.  People go on about people like Boris Johnston, Cummings, Piers Morgans etc etc.  How many of us have thought to ourselves, ‘twats’.  But who is behind them, who controls them who gives them the instructions.  The answer is simple, the faceless ones, the ones you don’t see, never see, don’t even know they exist.  These faceless people who control our lives, our very existence are chameleons, we never see them, they employ puppets, control puppets manipulate puppets, that is their disguise.  As such they exist in the background, the shadows the world we know nothing about.

Of course, if we were minded, like the French Revolution we could seek these dark forces out.  We know who their front is so we could follow that trail.

These elitists, dark forces, manipulators they know that the peasants can pick up their pitchforks and come for them, they have read ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, they are not daft.  So how do they protect themselves, disguise themselves to keep themselves safe.  This is the really clever bit.

There is a saying, hiding in plain sight.  That is exactly what they do.  They form a human shield, an impenetrable barrier.  So, what is this barrier?

Ordinary people, they are the human shield.   It is essential they are absolutely ordinary, no special talents, privileges or qualifications, just 100% ordinary.  They look and sound like you and me.  Now – Give them a talent, any talent or attribute.  This can be a physical makeover, surgery if required, it can be singing, acting whatever.  We can all act given a few instructions.  We can all sing, every one of us.  Nowadays, you don’t actually sing, you make lots of noises and the sound engineer and mixer and the other science boffins do the rest – you won’t recognise yourself – because it is not you – it’s an artifact.  Put you on some shows, you will do really well, give you lots of parts, lots of exposure, lots of money, a wee scandal helps to make you look a bit more human a bit more vulnerable.

This is a celebrity factory, churning out celebrities ten a penny, all part of this massive human shield to protect the real elites.  If for some reason society sees the elites as a problem and want to target them, do we go hunting for Joey Essex, Ed Sheeran, Madonna or a host of super-bitches.  Of course we don’t.  We watch their shows, listen to their music read their stories on shelves full of same same mags.  We don’t see them as a threat?


The threat is sitting behind them in relative safety, unseen, unknown and invisible.  Just remember this:



Homework:  Always good to get a bit of homework.  I have my personal views on who is behind all this and why.  You would need very considerable influence within politics at Government level, you would need very significant influence within or over all aspects of the media; MSM, Social Media and Broadcast.  You might want a health dose of influence over the Regulators and finally you will need the folding stuff, lots of it, wads of it, a barrow load of it.

You will have think of other stuff like morals, scruples, social conscience, social justice, welfare, diversity and legal implications.  But enough of the things that might stand in your way

So, who do you think may be the dark forces, who wields that amount of power and influence, who has that sort of money? … and what is the extent of their agenda?  good luck with that, answers on a piece of rice paper then eat it!