Are we the 45%?

Are we the 45%?

From the outset I was happy to join the group and I believe much good has been achieved keeping us together and holding rallies to remind ourselves we are a formidable force.

But I have a problem.  The amount of opposition to 45 has been minimal, and that bothers me.  Nothing happens or fails to happen for a reason.

So here’s the thing.  We required 50% to win the referendum, since there were only 2 choices, or rather 50% +1 vote.  At 45% we lost.  Every time we state 45% and that ‘we are the 45%’ we are stating that we are the losers.  I think 45 was a great message to get out there at first but now, things have moved on.

The Establishment have kept silent and are probably delighted we are parading a negative message.

So, are we the 45%?  I chuckled a bit at the early conspiracy stories.  They are never far away.  However, although I know there were irregularities at polling I did not believe we could account for between 200,000 to 400,000 votes.  I say 200,000 because if YES votes had been merged with NO then that’s all we need to find.  As a polling agent at Churchill Ward with all the naval personnel, I witnessed and reported a number of issues that were addressed by the authorities at the time.

Over the weeks there has been a number of reports of specific potential fiddles from the unauthentic ballot papers, the apparent disgrace of senior politicians such as Davidson not just being aware of the postal vote but also making that a public influence, the person transferring YES papers to the NO pile, the table of NO votes with the YES papers and Polling Clerks or Counters filling out phony voting cards when they think they are not seen.  Taking these things into account, even if only some of them were true this could have had a significant impact on the outcome.  In which case, we may not be the 45%.  We may be the 46% or the 49% or even the 55%.

A more positive message may be, We are not the 45% or even the 45+ would be better.  However, I do have a problem with the connotation of 45 that serves as a constant reminder that we lost the referendum.

As far as the electoral fraud is concerned I think it is right that we pursue every aspect of this to its proper conclusion.  Who knows where this may lead.

For my part, my main focus is to assume we will get another opportunity in the not too distant future and when this happens we must be on top of every single aspect to ensure nothing is left to chance and every opportunity to deny us our destiny is closed down.


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