Month: August 2014

Christian leaders must not sit on the fence

After some more canvassing it was off to St Joseph’s Hall in Helensburgh for a talk from the fabulously inspiring Rev. Ian Miller, supported by Fiona Sarwar, a member of the church of Scotland and David Kerr, catholic Journalist and broadcaster. The meeting was hosted by Christians for Independence, supported by YesHelensburgh&Lomond and with a Christian church on every street…

Traitors all

I just watched First Minister’s Questions and was so incensed that I interrupted my blog on Christians for Independence to express my disgust. The SNP and Green Party stand up in the Scottish Parliament and speak on behalf of the Scottish people whom they represent and who gave them a majority in Parliament. The Scottish Labour Party, the Scottish Conservative…

Keep it simple – we’re being distracted

Politics is the art of confusion! The referendum question is simple, ‘Should Scotland by an independent country?’ and the answer is YES or NO.  That’s all it is, nothing more. The Scottish Government produced a White Paper; the result of 4 years consultation with the Scottish people.  This document and the subsequent Executive Summary were designed to offer the people…