Red Riding Hood is the clue in the Election

Growing up, I understood that Britain was the epitome of civilisation, decency and fair play; the ‘ British Way’.  All other countries of the world fell short of our high ideals.  I probably felt proud to be in the right place at the right time.

I was aware of the ruling classes and the Royalty but at least we had our elected politicians to fight for the rights of the people.

Of course we were always kept informed.  STV in Scotland or ITV more generally was really a working class channel with tacky advertising breaks.  If you really wanted a world class reliable media we had the BBC.  If the BBC said it it must be true. And if you ventured beyond these shores their was the BBC World Service. The ‘other channel’, we understood, was dictated to by their advertisers but no such intrigue at the BBC.  This was the people’s channel and we had our TV license receipt to prove. (OK, there was the odd …)

I think we realised quite quickly that the front page of the newspaper was not real and was mainly there to sell the paper.  The proper stories and reports were inside.

Come election time most people didn’t have to think much about it.  If a quick review of where you lived, where you worked, whether you had a car outside or a tele in the corner didn’t offer you a clue then your dad or your shop steward would keep you right.  Perhaps it was your rotary club or some other ‘innocent’ affiliation that seem to spark into life around these times.

Life was so simple then.

If someone had said to me then ‘what do you mean by simple?’ I would have said ‘easy‘.

If someone said to me now ‘what do you mean by simple?’ I would have to say ‘stupid‘.

None of the above is true.  None of it applies.  We all know the Empire is gone.  But we knew it as the British Empire, it was not even the English Empire, it was the Westminster Empire.  Just like a child who has had his favourite toy confiscated, he becomes obsessed with getting it back.

What was special about that toy?  What was special about that Empire?  It’s really quite simple.  If you really want to understand history you must understand certain human nature.  Don’t waste your time reading hefty tomes about wars and conquest, interspersed with a bit of romance to keep your attention.  Read a children’s fairy tale.  Read Little Red Riding Hood.

Funnily enough, as a kid, reading Red Riding Hood I never considered that the wolf could have knocked on Granny’s door and asked if she had some spare food.  That would seem to have been the best option.  But we were dealing with the Big Bad Wolf and he was after more than a meal he wanted everything.  And here was me thinking I had never read history?

The Westminster Empire was built on greed for other peoples assets.  No nation was ever more successful and extensive in their pursuit of other’s wealth than the Westminster Empire.  But how did such a tiny nation, and here I am calling Westminster a nation, how could they have been so successful?  The answer is so simple.  This tiny nation was a master of treachery and war like no other nation in history.  You could fill a library on that subject alone.  Don’t waste your time, just check out the defense budget; per capa, the highest in the world and has been since … forever.

Just as a taster, read what Lord Macaulay had to say to Parliament in 1835:

fate of India


Tell you what, he’s a mean looking old bugger.

As we approach the day of the most important General Election in my lifetime I would ask anyone in Scotland who is undecided or thinking or planning to vote for a Westminster Party to reconsider.

It is too late to stop Westminster turning Scotland into another India, they have been doing that since 1707 (see, there was the treachery with the Darien Scheme).  But it is not to late to put the brakes on the Westminster Establishment.  This would give Scotland a strong voice in Westminster’s own house.  Don’t do this just for Scotland.  There people all over the rest of the UK suffering at the hands of the Westminster Establishment and none of the Westminster party CLUB will ever do anything to jeopardise that.


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