To the Loser goes the spoils?

I saw another clip on Facebook revealing more ballot papers and referendum paraphernalia to add to the list of all the other ‘reveals’ we have seen.  I do like a good old conspiracy and , boy, we’ve had plenty to keep us animated.

It may be that some or even all of these are genuine – I don’t know – what I do want to read about is not the evidence but details of what has been done.  Was this handed to the police, do we have a Crime Reference Number, what’s happening etc.

I had direct experience of potential electoral fraud when I was the Polling Agent at the Churchill ward in Helensburgh.  I could have put my evidence clips on Facebook or Twitter.  I didn’t.  I reported the incidents to our local Councillor and subsequently sent full details to the Referendum Officer of The Electoral Commission in Edinburgh and subsequently passed to the Counting Officer at Argyll & Bute.  I will follow my complaint to the full extent.  Once I have exhausted every option and hopefully exposed the wrong doing and it’s been dealt with, then I will let people know what I uncovered.

I  expect others with potentially damning evidence to do nothing less.

Moving on …

Let’s suppose that there was a big electoral fraud.  let’s suppose that we genuinely had a majority YES, well, we’re still here.  We are more determined than ever.  Moreover, as the ‘solemn’ VOW {solemn as in Daily Record} is kicked into the long grass, YES has even more support.  What do we do about.

For a start, if we are right, then the New Labour party in Scotland will be routed in May 2015 at the General Election.  They will probably lose out in England as a consequence.  Miliband will be an early casualty, for sure.  The SNP will probably pick up the majority Scottish MP in Westminster while England will be in political turmoil with a huge upsurge from UKIP and many Independent parties.  Whatever happens in England, the political landscape will look very different from Scotland.

If this does happen, and it looks ever more likely, then the people of Scotland must consider a situation where SNP in Scotland has a majority MSPs and a majority MPs.


There are a number of reason this could happen, here are two:

1.  The NO vote was a ‘three in a bed’ affair between Labour, Conservatives and LibDems.  This will NOT happen at the General Election, 100% guaranteed.

2.  The security and integrity at Polling Stations and the overall electoral process will be far better managed with very little opportunity for fraud.  This is in sharp contrast to the ‘Mickey Mouse’ management of the referendum.  For a start there will be a police officer at each station.  Just consider for a moment my formal complaint in the highly Naval dominated Churchill Ward.  Why would the Returning Officer arrive with a supply of black tie wraps?  She had the correct security tags in her pack.  Is that the sort of thing a middle aged woman walks around with?  a bag of tie wraps? – ask your mum to show you her bag?  I insisted, with the support of Councillor Richard Trail, she cut off the B & Q tie wraps and apply the correct security tags to the ballot boxes.

Finally, consider the fallout from the NO vote.  Alex Salmond resigned with great dignity.  He can now pick and chose his public exposure as a highly respected Statesman.  Nicola Sturgeon will shortly replace Alex Salmond and already she is seen as a very worthy and capable successor.


Well, that’s what’s supposed to happen.  But let’s see.

New Labour are in melt down.  Miliband is now rebadged Milibandarausorous Rex and Lamont has been re-homed in the nearest bin.  But what of Lamont?  Is it normal to win then resign in disgrace accusing your boss of orchestrating the win.  I suspect Lamont would reject a lottery jackpot and demand her pound back?

Ask yourself this; if WM Labour was treating Labour in Scotland as a branch office, the time for Lamont to air that view was BEFORE the referendum.  But no, she anticipated a YES vote and this was to be her excuse – huge error of judgement.  This simply proves she was never leadership quality in the first place and ‘good riddance’.  Let’s see what happens with Jim miniBlair Murphy.  Just in case, I see Tesco ‘value’ eggs are under a pound for 6?

Since the referendum, the Tories have gone from strength to strength.  As I predicted we are seeing a massive swing in support for UKIP and an upsurge in English nationalism; which I see as very positive. [read the elephant in the room] Cameron is haemorrhaging MPs and constituencies and the EU has caught up with him.   His hypocrisy is manifest.  He has declared to the world that he will DEFAULT on his Eurodebt – so where does that leave the already depleted credit rating.  Unfortunately, the Treasury forgot to tell him about his KNOWN OBLIGATION and he forgot to read the small print in the agreement that New Labour left him.  he will pay a high price for that oversight? Never mind, the massive North Sea oil find that surfaced just after the referendum will help him to smooth this over?

For now, everyone is talking about the political renaissance that was Scotland; born of the referendum, the unprecedented electoral turnout and the political and historical awareness of the people of Scotland.