Referendum – the Standard Life con

So Standard Life will be ‘obliged’ to move 5000 jobs to England in the event of no currency and tax deal following a YES vote.  Let’s all react to that and vote NO to save 5000 jobs? but hold on!

First, this is the BBC’s interpretation of the story.  ‘It’s a threat to a democratic referendum’ I hear you say – come on, we’re much smarter than that in Scotland and we don’t bow to hollow threats?  do we??

So here’s the thing.  The referendum and especially a YES vote will mean some significant change – but over a long time and not all rosy.  Every company in the UK with even half a brain will produce a contingency plan – although the more enlightened call it Business Continuity Planning.  We’ve been doing it for ever and it’s not new – it’s just good business.  If we get a YES vote and we have no agreement on currency and tax then Standard Life must consider leaving – of course that will consider this – who wouldn’t.  But, we are being asked to accept a situation where we just voted YES and don’t know what we are doing next – the BBC are treating us all like idiots – but remember what the B in BBC stands for!

Her’s the other thing – and most importantly.  When George Osborne announced he would not agree to a currency union this is exactly the reaction from Standard Life he hope for – or rather his more devious Special Adviser’s told him to expect.  The villain here is not Standard Life, it Osborne, aided and abetted by aunty BBC

Basically, this is not a story, it’s a pitch at the gullible.

Standard Life are here to stay and if an Independent Scotland lowers Corporation Tax there WILL be a flood across the border and we will hear Osborne’s cry ‘your going the wrong way – chaps’

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