Category: This makes me mad

just about anything that pisses me off, makes me want to comment or can’t get out of my head

We don’t have a driver?

The break up of the UK or rather the English hegemony of the 4 nations of Britain began with Brexit in 23rd June 2016.  When the Leave vote came in, a journey commenced.  The UK was out and people thought this was a journey out of the European Union.  They could not have been more wrong. The Brexit journey was…


Is the UK a democracy? or a demockeryacy? Simple answer is ‘No’ it is not a democracy and never has been.  See if you agree? The definition of democracy The ancient Greeks were the first to create a democracy. The word “democracy” comes from two Greek words that mean people (demos) and rule (kratos). Democracy is the idea that the citizens…

The lie is a lie

Joseph Goebbels is credited with the concept of “the big lie’. The bigger the lie and the more often it is told the closer it becomes to the truth. Well, that is a lie or at best a misconception. Most lies have a very short shelf life.  The liar is often found out sooner rather than later. Let’s prod that…